I didn't find the first set of sketches while standing up, very pleasant - I felt tense and uncomfortable for some unknown reason. Measuring proportions was tedious. The second ones (sitting down) were easier and more relaxing. This was partly because this time I wasn't using a viewfinder to as great an extent as with the first set and I was relying partly on the previous sketches. Though the surroundings were familiar it didn't seem to make them any easier to draw than if it was the first time I'd seen them. The layout of my kitchen is such that there is an island unit jutting out across the centre of a room which is L-shaped. For this exercise it was necessary to rotate 45 degrees for each sketch while staying in the same spot, so some areas were very close to me, hence there is a lot less depth in some than in others. The perspective leaves a lot to be desired in certain places. I picked sketches 1 and 5 as having the most potential for a painting on this occasion - the views had a look of depth and were less cluttered than no.s 2 and 3. I also liked 4 and 6 but there was almost a total emphasis on verticals so they may be better for me to try as abstracts sometime. The perspective looks the most accurate on 2,3,4 and 6. It isn't difficult to locate them even without labelling - below.
Chosen sketch - this one was a bit more
prolonged than the others
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