A brush and paints is this time required to do the contours. I have literally zero experience with this type of sketch:

1. On a green mid toned ground of raw and raw sienna. The results reflect my lack of skill here. The brow lines lack fluidity and my attempt to add creases in the model's shorts are totally unconvincing. I wasn't at all happy to leave it with just one study, so practised with a few more, this time with a sumi brush and burnt umber and ultramarine acrylic. An idea gleaned from the same book - Expressive Figure Drawing by Bill Buchman - this is full of great ideas for figure drawing. Some of them remind me of Matisse's flowing lines he used in figures. I thought they looked simple but how totally underestimated how difficult it would be! An initial standing pose from the book didn't seem too challenging but but this changed when it was applied to my own figure sketches: The lying down pose from the side again didn't work well so I attempted no.2 with the head furthest away - think there was an improvement there.

The lines still don't flow as well as I would like. I added a wash to some areas for more impact and interest. I think it has had the desired effect.
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