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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Project 1: Exercise 3: Painting with Pastels


Up until doing this exercise I underestimated pastels capabilities as a painting medium. Having done experiments with pastel on their own in the drawing course I decided to try out pastels in combination with paint .
Most interesting effects were:
1. right hand side top -
Oil and soft pastel used in a linear way, sometimes blended with wet oil and acrylic paint.
Soft pastel  still retains the lines when blended into wet paint but results in a smoky ethereal look around the edges.


2. Water spread over soft pastel. When dry, watery acrylic painted over. Dry oil pastel lines on top layer - build up of depth with contrasting surface textures.
Watery acrylic over dry oil pastel which resists the paint giving a grainy texture.
Pastels used in these ways with paint can easily add variety and intensity to a painting.


3. Completely abstract experiment with (mostly) soft pastels used underneath, blended with and on top of wet and dry acrylics. This kind of thing to me is great fun as almost anything can happen...

oil pastel

Below:and right: three earlier experiments from my drawing course and a more recent but insipid looking attempt at using soft pastel as paint with pva on top.

oil pastel

soft pastel and pva

soft pastel

 Another (cactus) image on the way....

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